After the rain comes sun
After the sun comes rain again
After the rain comes sun
After the sun comes rain again
This must be underwater love
The way I feel it slipping all over me
This must be underwater love
The way I feel it .....
O que que é esse amor, d'água
Eu sei que eu não quero mais nada
Lyric from Smoke City with Underwater Love
More lyrics...
After the rain comes sun...after the sun comes rain again
or How to look somehow styled standing in the rain?
I got this lovely Fjäll Räven outdoor jacket for a few Euro from Ebay. The photo was blurry and it's a man size but I think I had luck with finding this one as it is water proof and somehow cool, so I can wear it on those days where you can't
outgess the weather of the next hours.
The highlight for me are those great rubber boots. I loved them from the first second I saw them and when I tried them on, I could not believe how cozy they are! I can walk hours and hours without any problems. And of course I like the unique look :) I got them from Viking in Stockholm. After my shoes were soaked like hell ...
So how do you like this outfit? I think it is a acceptable "don't get wet" combination. What do you think?
11 Kommentare:
Cool look!!!
Danke :) <3 das wetter war bei uns in den letzten tagen aber auch fantastisch :) ♥
Oh, nice a vintage blog from my town in english. that's cool!
You are cuuuuute! :)
Loved your boots!
Hii :D
Hab eben deinen Blog gefunden und er gefällt mir echt gut. Folge dir dann auch mal um immer up to date zu bleiben, hehe :DD
Vielleicht magst du ja mal bei mir vorbeischauenund mich verfolgen?
Liebste Grüße,
Nice parka!
Coole Stifel :)
lg Laura
everybody is unique
I spotted your comment over at GKGirl's blog. I tell you, your avatar was so absolutely gorgeous that I had to come visit your blog. I am so glad I did. It's nice to meet you.
Sieht super aus! :) Folge dir jetzt auch!
Liebste Grüße
Hii (: Sieht echt super aus! Vorallem gefällt mir nicht nur dein Style, sondern auch dein extravaganter Musikgeschmack <3
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